![War Thunder](https://im.tiscali.cz/games/2016/05/02/615963-panther_1920x1080_logo_com-base_16x9.jpg.576?1588271076.0)
War Thunder
Online, Simulace
PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series
2013 - Blíže neurčeno
![This War of Mine](https://im.tiscali.cz/games/2014/03/12/331735-this-war-of-mine-base_16x9.jpg.576?1588267952.0)
This War of Mine
Android, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, iOS
14. prosinec 2014
![World of Tanks](https://im.tiscali.cz/games/2016/08/18/684810-t49_2560x1600_noc_eng-base_16x9.jpg.576?1588274720.0)
World of Tanks
Akční, Online, Simulace
PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series
12. únor 2014 (původní vydání 12. srpen 2010)