RPG Pathfinder: Kingmaker má nový trailer, chystá uzavřenou betu a předvádí upovídané dialogy
zdroj: tisková zpráva

RPG Pathfinder: Kingmaker má nový trailer, chystá uzavřenou betu a předvádí upovídané dialogy

3. 4. 2018 16:39 | Video | autor: Patrik Hajda |

Téměř před rokem došlo na Kickstarteru k zafinancování videoherní adaptace pen & paper RPG Pathfinder. Tvůrcům z Owlcat Games se podařilo vybrat téměř dvojnásobek z požadovaného půl milionu dolarů na vznik izometrického RPG Pathinder: Kingmaker, které slibuje spoustu superlativů. Ti, kteří přispěli alespoň 95 dolary, se již ve čtvrtek dozví, co ze slibů se už podařilo splnit.

Pokud jste se drželi při zemi a nenechali jste se zlákat předraženými úrovněmi odměn s dřívějším přístupem do hry, pak si musíte vystačit s novým videem, které ve dvou minutách shrnuje důležité prvky hratelnosti, jako třeba hraní si na hodného či zlého krále v postupně budovaném království.

Video ještě doprovází další, docela zásadní zpráva. Řady Owlcat Games se na čas rozšiřují o dvě posily z týmu Paizo stojícího za papírovou předlohou – tvůrčího ředitele Jamese L. Suttera a vedoucího vývoje organizovaného hraní Johna Comptona.

zdroj: Cinemart

Oba se postarají o psaní příběhů a rozhovorů, což jistě napomůže uvěřitelnosti adaptovaného světa. Níže si můžete přečíst Johnův zkušební rozhovor s mocnými kočičkami a v galerii naleznete spoustu nových obrázků.

C1: An elderly woman waves to you from the side of the road. She stands next to an open-topped cage that contains a dozen kittens that are meowing and stumbling about adorably. “All of these fluffy creatures are available for adoption,” she croons before smirking and continuing with growing malice. “All it will cost you is a piece of your soul!” She cackles uproariously for before her mirth triggers a coughing fit.

A1: “A piece of my soul? Isn’t that a little…expensive for a kitten?”
A2: “I want a kitty!”
A3: “We are adventurers and have no need for pets.”
A4: “Ha ha! I am a ruler and do not need to pay for anything! I shall take these kittens by force!” (Begin combat, and evil alignment shift) 

C2toA1: “Do not be so quick to dismiss the humble cat,” the woman chides. “These kittens are hardly humble, for they are descended from the same mighty beast that bit Erastil, chasing him away so that these woods would remain forever wild. So a mere sliver of your soul is a small price to pay, yes?” 

A5: “Those are impressive kittens. I will take one.” 
A6: “I’m unwilling to give away any of my soul, but perhaps you would accept 50 gold pieces instead?” (Diplomacy check / Difficult Diplomacy check / Diplomacy DC 20) 
A7: “Um, no, no need for any god-biting kittens today.” (Dialogue ends, and woman stays in area) 
A8: “That sounds ridiculous. You shouldn’t spread lies like this. Begone!” (Dialogue ends, and woman leaves)

C3toA6 (if the check is a success): “Very well,” grumbles the woman. “I will settle for gold. Enjoy your new pet.” (Buy a kitten, and lose 50 gold pieces)

C4toA6 (if the check is a failure): “My terms are very clear,” the woman insists as she stamps her foot on a tree stump. “One piece of a soul for one god-chasing kitten. Do we have a deal?” (Return to Alist2, and remove A6)

C5toA2 (Linzi interjection): Linzi shakes her head vigorously. “Wait, are you serious? First off, I’ve already told you that I’m allergic to cats. Second…she wants a piece of your soul. Those don’t grow on trees.” Linzi pauses to think for a moment before absentmindedly digressing. “Well, I think some scholars believe souls originate from an extraplanar raspberry bush, but that’s more allegory than literal translation. Either way, we need you in good health to run the kingdom. Please don’t buy a soul kitty.”

A9: “Look, I promise to feed him and keep him from sleeping on your face. I’m the ruler of a small nation, and I want a kitten. Deal with it.” (Gain a kitten, and take a negative level) 
A10: “Okay, that’s fair. I’ll keep your advice in mind.” (Return to Alist1) 

C6toA3 (Amiri interjection): Amiri’s eyes go wide as she tosses aside her weapons. “I…want a kitten. I dream of traveling with such a mighty companion. I long to rush into battle with it roaring by my side.” She shifts sheepishly. “I would also like to rub its belly, listen to it purr, and name it Headchomper.” 

A11: “Very well, Amiri. Old woman, I shall take one of your kittens.” (Gain a kitten, and take a negative level) 
A12: “Amiri, I’m not willing to give away a piece of my soul for a cat. If you want a kitten, though, you can pay the price.” (Gain a kitten, and Amiri takes a negative level) 
A13: “No. You said the same thing about adopting a dire wolf last month, and we’re still paying that repair bill. No kittens.” (Dialogue ends, and woman stays in area)

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